Friday, December 7, 2007

Too much of ANYTHING can be bad

Today, my mother said NO COMPUTER to my sister. Instead of saying okay, my sister threw a small tantrum. Later, she took a nap. Right when she came down, she asked if she could watch Pokemon episodes. THE ANSWER WAS YES!!!!!!!!!! And now, I'm writing this post just to pass the time. Normally I'd be happy that we would be watching Pokemon. But just yesterday, my sister watched A TON of it and I'm, personally, tired of it. [For now, that is.]

1 comment:

Seis Manos said...

Hola, Arby---
If you'd like to participate in the "6 Word Memoir Meme," visit Seis Manos for details how. I'm itching to learn your life story as YOU see it.